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Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Wake-Up Story

Nenek's going to tell you a wake-up story, my little boys..not a bedtime one because that will make you sleep. My wake-up story is meant as an eye-opener because it opened up mine. So listen, ImanImran..and stop chewing on Mickey's ears. I need their ears as well...
Before you twins came along, my life had been different...very, very different. I had my Sleeping Beauty's 100 years of peaceful slumber. But I awoke differently because Prince Charming did not appear to kiss me out of that sleep, for if he did (kissed me, that is), I would have continued with another 100 years of indifference. No, my lads, Prince Charming used a totally brutal tactic: he abandoned me in that wilderness, amidst thorns and wild growths. I struggled out of the worst, deepest part of the jungle and I got bruised, cut and stabbed. But I survive, Allah is Great, and I am still journeying out. My ego is equally affected...I mean, there I was, lying back waiting for the eternal kiss of life, and where has my Prince gone? Busy hunting down fire-spitting dragons, busy trying to be the Knight in Shining Armour, busybusybusy.
Remember what the good fairies have wished upon Sleeping Beauty at her birth? That she would be kind and gentle, caring and sweet, forgiving and patient, and I believe I have some of those qualities still, with one or two additional traits because the struggle out of the wilderness have made me determined, smart, cautious and above all, strong. (I only go weak in my heart when both of you plant your wet kisses on my cheeks and squeal "Nenek!")
When you grow up, you will know your Nenek as a successful businesswoman. My coach would be a real Jaguar, not a pumpkin. My liveried footmen would be real-life bouncers with real muscles, not pip-squeak mice...
ImanImran, your Nenek has metamorphosised from a complacent teacher into a calculative tradeswoman. And all because life has a different design for me. I believe I am meant to be a better person because my experiences in the jungle of emotions have taught me well. But I am not cold-hearted. I cannot be, I have the both of you and who needs a Fairy Godmother when she can have not one, but TWO, cherubs by her side??
Iman: "But Nenek, what's the moral of this tale?"
Nenek:"We must never, ever take life for granted. Never, ever take anything for granted."
Imran:"I don't understand."
Nenek:"Never mind...wait till you're two and a half years old."


  1. Great story…. I bet ImanImran will learn a lot from this short story when they grow up. And hope it will be a lesson for them as they face the challenging life ahead of them.

    Nek, I am not sure about this “abandoning” thing. If it is for real, then I do not endorse it. Nor do I concur to acts of barbarism, brutalism, cruelty or even simple ignorance. The name of the game, in my case, is fairness and equality. I go all out to see that these traits are upheld. Yes, it cannot be 100% true as there tend to be times when things go out of hand but I am quick to make amendments.

    Well, I am glad you are very strong and was able to survive the grueling test. And I believe, once strong you will always be strong.

    But I do smell some softies in you, Nek…….fighting over Mickeys’s ears with the twins! Ha ha ha……….

  2. But all that matters now is that Sleeping Beauty HAS awakened and has crawled out of darkness; and she now wears Prada..

  3. Resurrection of the contemporary granny?? Ha ha ha....

  4. have you read my `Age and Image'? Then you should understand what `resurrection' is!!
