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Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Verandah

Four generations have stood on this part of the house, to welcome or to bid farewell. It would be on this verandah that one generation, then another, would wait for the ice-cream man on a hot day; it had always been here that families would sit on chairs or just the cool planks while the madre brought out trays of sweet hot BOH tea in the afternoon, and huge plates of keropok that would be gone in seconds; it was here that little Iskandar, or Abe, toddled and Azrul fell; fierce little plump Kaklin would bite Adam's cheeks and he bawled; little Ali with his long curly golden locks would shyly crawl towards his Che Ngah. Those rainy December holidays would witness the Johor family and Dungun families come back for very long vacations, and Tok Ayah cuddled Adik and everyone brought out their warm clothings and there was such bedlam! Tears of the very young and shrill laughter of the older ones comingled...and at this same spot where old uncles and aunties sit to gossip late at night while the children watched `Thundercats' or `Ultraman' inside; birthdays were celebrated here, barbeques three steps below; and the cars! everyone fought for the space nearest the tangga and the ones with the smallest babies always won and Abang Mi would win because he had the largest family back then. Che would be jolly even at 5.30 in the morning as she stood to welcome a homecoming child, or quietly wept to say goodbye.

When did all this begin to change?

Even in the advanced stages of his illness, late Ayah would still hung onto the strong steel bars as he spat blood that came out of his lungs...then at even more advanced stage, he sat there on his wheelchair and watched in silent sadness at healthy neighbours walking to the mosque across the road. We sorrowfully bid the final farewell to him as he left through this verandah...

Then - the house just became silent. The second generation became too busy to bring the third generation home. And now, the fourth generation hardly understood. Harith, Iman, Imran, Etek, and Adriana Hanna, and EmekJunior...and soon, Kakak Melissa Junior...welcome to Lot 606, Lorong Kenali, Kubang Kerian.


  1. Bravo for the nostalgic post. Yes, so much had taken place on the V. You name it, it's all there. Countless of people had passed through it, sat on it, played on it and wept on it.

    I have almost forgotten all about it until you decided to remind us again.

    Let's pray to God for Che's good health so that she will be there for the new generation. For without her around, who will be there to welcome and bade farewell to them?

    I think I have may photos of the activities on the V; I'll dig up and post them here.

  2. Good idea. There's 1 photo of kaklin kissing azrul on that same doorstep!We have taken too much for granted, haven't we? I tried to persuade Che to stay in the house again and only spend nights at Che Teh's place, just to bring back the soul in that house.

  3. This reminds me of my mum. She would do that at our verandah as well, especially during hari raya. She would wait for everyone to come back for raya. She would count one by one, until everybody is at home. Only then, she can relax and rest. If not, she will wait, be it until late morning, 3 am. We even sent her off and bid her final farewell through the verandah. Now, the house is silent, only the 3 of us. The joy and laughter will only last for 2 days during raya, after that, back to silence. Iman/Imran are lucky to still have Tok Bak, Tok Mak, Che, Nenek and Tok Rashid. For me, I have no more Toks.............So, cherish every single moment while you can...

  4. I have a few photos taken on the V to share. Let me try how to go about uploading this thing.... I give up. Plse tell me how to go about this, ok?

  5. 1] You're right, Lady Sam, about cherishing moments that we often take for granted. Some things don't last forever, do they?

    2] MIsty's photos must be superb ones, being the resident photographer for the family! But it's good that after forever has come and gone, we still have stills and videos as a reminder of all good times. tqvm..

  6. Ayah Long, I dunno if you can post pictures on other people's blogs. Maybe you can just e-mail them to Mama and she'll put them up on the blog. Haha, I still remember families taking turns to have family portraits taken by Ayah Long on Hari Raya. Somehow Adam always ended up terselit in Che Muda's family haha

  7. Sure, Adik, just emailed her the photos for her further action. And thanks dear, for reminding me the happy moments we all shared together!

  8. You guys have inspired more topics for me...can you see the lightbulb flashing??? LOL!

  9. Look out guys, she's going to rain on us more posts! Get your umbrellas ready!!

  10. In that case, might as well get handkerchiefs and/or tissues ready too...guarantee tangkap leleh...(did I just say THAT??)
