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Friday, January 28, 2011


Greetings Earthlings! (TQ Deq)

Am back from Everywhereland and realised with a huge bumpety-bump that I've lost all touch with the literary side of me for the past 3 or so months. Oh, not exactly, because I did read the original 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons' by Fitzgerald and it truly is a brilliant piece of creative writing. And I received 3 copies of classic novels, all leather-bound, from Fadinha, for that annual `Family Night' so I guess that justified my literariness.
What had occupied me so much?
Well, my Regal Tea Room Boutique was launched on the 14th of November 2010 by the YAM Tunku Shahariah, President of the JB Speakers' Club. Nothing fancy..the Club members came for the 'Launch & Lunch' and we had a casual little gathering. No balloons, no fanfare, just good old friendship. Then family came and we caught up on news and stuff.
Then immediately after that, we moved into our new house at Taman Ponderosa and believe me, it was not just MOVING INTO, it was a massive upheaval from one residence of 17 years to another one which has a totally new concept. My better half (why do they say this?) thought it was cool to buy a house one third the size of the present one, all ready for that `retirement' when he thought retirement is all about wake up in the morning for coffee and toast and golf and tea and dinner at the club and sleep...so cosy. Just the two of us. So unreal.
I'm not complaining because like a chameleon, I change easily to suit what surrounds me. Versatile and adaptable. And thankful for the shelter above my aging head. The new house has an open studio kitchen made for one cook. More than one, and our bumps bump. Not meant for the deep-fried sambal ikan kering and petai and other oily Malay dishes. For laughing out loud, imagine me wearing a frilly floral Laura Ashley apron and delicately balancing a wooden spatula while stirring soup with one finger. hehe.
Have not written about the famous Twins. They are all grown at Two-And-A-Half, they are at that Terrible Two age group. and when they come to our ,er, retirement house, they more than fill it up. They drag their blue wagons laden with half a ton of toys from hall to kitchen and back again, in 3 minutes. They come into Nenek's kitchen built for one and open the sizeable fridge and drank half a tiny bottle of Vitagen and spilled the other half just for the sake of doing so. Then they chase and scare the droppings out of the poor little sparrows in the yard, screaming "'Uyung! 'Uyung!" (boo-hoo, they lisp! they disfigure all the beauty of language! they say things so adorably!)...
And to date, I have not yet actually moved all our things from the old house. It will take me the next seventeen years to do so completely. How could I leave behind Fadinha's collection of Bookworm series, or Adam's box of broken bicycle gadgets, or Kak Lin's collection of cassette tapes, or Ali's kiddy clothes? Memories. All memories.
And I'm the weak one for memories.
Be writing again, now that I've picked up the pen once more.

By the by, it's still January, so a belated Happy New Year, a good Twenty-Eleven to everyone.

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