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Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Comeback Comment!!!

It frightened me to see my posts labelled by the system as "1 year ago" because it goes to show how I have neglected my blog! And yet there's SO MUCH to write about.

Maybe I should, for the moment, deal with my business of being a grandmother.

Well..it's not that very late to welcome UMAR IRSYAD to this page!!!! Yes, dear followers, the twins have a baby brother now, and sadly, he's not so `baby' anymore because Irsyad has just turned 10 months old and already standing and creeping all over the place. He was born on 1st September 2011, making me a granny all over again. Being a `single' baby (as opposed to his brothers' `double' babies) and fully breast-fed makes Irsyad extremely close to his mother and although will open up his fat little arms to me, does not bond as well to anyone else. 

Meanwhile, The Twins have turned 4 last 16th June, and God, how they have grown! Already in kindergarten since they were 3, Iman and Imran have learnt so much: it's so amazing to see them scrawl their first letters and I have saved every single childish scribble. It's so wonderful to see Iman form his first `A'..! Always the one to be in a flurry and a scurry, Imran jumped straight on to `H' and instead of Iman's slow and careful impressions of `ball' (for circles) or `balloon', Imran ran ahead to draw a robot, antenna and all. Iman speaks so well but Imran lisps and does that deter him? Not my Imran! He'd go full steam ahead and say whatever crosses his mind. I took them to Nursery this morning and my aged mother-in-law was in the car too when the following conversation took place:

Iman: Papa nak beli ais kerim nanti.
Nenek: Ais kerim untuk Nyang ada? (`Nyang' is their great-grandmother)
Imran: Nyang tak `leh matan (makan) ai`tim (ais kerim).
Nenek: Kenapa?
Imran: Nyang matan..toteyat (cokelat!)
Iman: A-ah..Nyang makan cokelat.

And at the doorstep of their Nursery cum Kindergarten, they both turned to give me the biggest hugs their arms could do.

I drove away with tears in my eyes. I wondered: how long will the hugging last? Will they one day be too embarrassed to be seen hugging or kissing me, or even to be holding my hand? How quickly they become four years old, and they will be fourteen just as fast. And when Imran is able to talk correctly without that adorable lisp, will he be arguing with me and criticising me instead? They slept over at my place last night and both insisted on sleeping on either side of my arm, so much so that I awoke this morning with aching arms. But the pain was nothing compared to the pain I feel at thinking how fast they seem to grow. Right now they still literally jump into my arms when they see me; what can I do so that they remain just as warm and loving and eager to meet their Nenek? 

Maybe I will not think too far ahead; I will enjoy their childhood more than they themselves do!

After all, that's what neneks are for...

(This is just a midnight thought and a come-back jottings. Photos will be inserted soon)

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