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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tales of the Twins

Back with tales of the duo, who are now big enough to be even more adorable with their childish and innocent antics and speeches. And to show how they have grown, just two days ago Iman, who now importantly calls himself "Abang", said something that pierced right through Nenek's heart: "Abang nak besar." And I wanted to just hug him and tell him oh no, please, not so fast! That I still want to carry him on one hip and his brother on another and I still want to swing them and hear them giggle and laugh with that sheer joy and innocence. Imran is one-minute behind with speech, but nevertheless is also composing his words, and he calls his brother "Umar Iman", for instance, last weekend they slept over and one of them spilled his morning milk and he lisped out: "Umar Iman buat, nenek..". and Nenek wanted to say, go, spill all the milk you want. If the cat does not lick it all, Nenek will just mop it clean. (Oops. Nenek does not have a cat.) One evening they came over for dinner, and upon hearing Adam's car, I hid behind a chair. The twins burst in and as usual, screamed for me but when they saw me lying prostrate on the floor, asked: "Eh, pe nenek meow?" (Translate: "Eh, kenapa Nenek jadi kucing?") and they jumped on this "meow" and dinner? what dinner? Physically, they are still rather smallish in frame, but have taken on very definite features, looking more and more identical each time I see them. Eyebrows are darker now, and their parents allow their hair to grow a little bit longer so that the lightness is more obvious. Their noses are little button replica of their Atuk's...but I love most of all, their bright, intelligent eyes that are perpetually inquisitive and wanting to know and to learn. A little chip of my wooden chair broke and Iman saw it and at once knew where it came from. And Imran is the vain one: he once changed his shoes FOUR times before going to Nursery! and it was not like choosing from a row of shoes; he went in and out of the car four times before deciding that the pair of yellow Adidas was just right to go with his orange Tigger pyjamas. Ah. The joys of Nenekhood. Recommended to all ladies who wish to be rejuvenated, at least in spirit.

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